PDF⋙ Crystal Oracle: Guidance from the Heart of the Earth by Toni Carmine Salerno

Crystal Oracle: Guidance from the Heart of the Earth by Toni Carmine Salerno

Crystal Oracle: Guidance from the Heart of the Earth

Crystal Oracle: Guidance from the Heart of the Earth by Toni Carmine Salerno PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Tap into the profound healing energies of the crystal world with this beautiful set of guidance cards.
The 'Crystal Oracle' features 44 cards which each draw on the energy and vibration of one crystal, gemstone or mineral to nurture the body, mind and soul.
The guidebook lists the qualities of the crystals featured in the deck and delivers an inspired and healing message for each card. It also offers a range of cards spreads to ensure insightful and accurate readings.
Connect to the love and wisdom which stems from the heart of the Earth!
Features 44 cards & guidebook, packaged in a hard-cover box set.

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